Sunday, 16 January 2011

Spring is in the Air! Really?

It's cool over here but not cold. The sky is blue with just a few white clouds, the sun is shining. The birds are singing and tweeting as they do when spring is on its way, the daffodils pushing their tips through the soil. It smells like spring!

OK, it's mid of January, a bit early, I know. Yes, we will have frost again. But today I'm in spring mood. I will work a bit in the garden later. Want to remove some of the ugly brown, frostbitten remains from last autumn. I want fresh green!

This morning I've started to prepare a few springtime photos which are going to the printer to list them in my shops later.

I love the sky blue of the forget-me-not. It is pure spring.

And so is the grass.

These are tulips' flower buds. Crisp, juicy, full of life.

Somebody said, the best of spring is the anticipation of summer. For today I'm looking forward to spring! Happy Sunday!


Woolly Bits said...

you could live in co. mayo/ireland:)) we have the sun out too today - und ich muss gleich auch raus in den garten, weil es draussen sooo lockt! die spitzen der narzissen seh ich auch schon - aber fuer naechste woche gibts zumindest erstmal noch nachts frost... naja, aber um die jahreszeit muss man die fruehlingstage nehmen, wenn sie kommen:)) schoene bilder - sehr verlockend!

Molly said...

Hallo Bettina,
letzte Nacht hat es geschneit! Na ja, war ja auch zu erwarten. Ich hätte gerne nach dem zweiten Weihnachtstag SOFORT Frühling! ;-)